Case study No. 1 - FEED ME GOOD
Nureen at Feed me Good asked us to develop a credible theory of change, evaluation & monitoring framework and academic publication template for the Children Education Programme (ChEP) pilot.
Feed me Good were delivering CHeP to 1100 children across 3 schools in London. They wanted to use this opportunity to document and report how their work improves family health and wellbeing to translate their local action into larger policy change.
We collaborated with Nureen and her team to develop a narrative and theory of change for ChEP, supported by academic literature. We tested different data collection approaches to develop a manageable monitoring system for the team. We developed this alongside a publication template, so that Feed me Good could publish their findings and call for policy change.
Theory of Change
Evidence-based narrative
Folder of supporting academic publications
Evaluation Framework
Data Collection Survey
Academic publication template
The evaluation was used to fulfil funding requirements for the School of Social Entrepreneurs & Guys & St Thomas’ Foundation.
The theory of change and academic literature guided University college of London Master’s Students developing their dissertation
The ongoing findings from the monitoring and evaluation guide service design and delivery
The process of developing these outputs helped Nureen focus Feed me Good’s mission and define clearer communications.

Sandra and Community Bridges truly bridge the gap between community and local organisations like mine. Her guidance and knowledge in public health policy has given me to confidence to develop our health questionnaire on the topic areas in which we want to provide our health and social impact.
We also have acquired 2 Data Analytics Masters Students from UCL to do their placement for this research.
Nureen, Feed Me Good
Click here to learn more about our work with Nureen
Develop and deliver a resilience and social impact workshop to SSE fellows on the Power to Change Community Business Trade Up Programme.
Students had expressed interest in influencing and being part of social prescribing policy. SSE did not have the internal expertise to train fellows on the requirements, such as impact measurement, leadership and resilience, for effecting policy change.
As social prescribing pioneers in the grass roots space, we know that to influence change and practice social prescribing, organisations needed to develop a sound theory of change and impact measurement process to ensure evidence-based practice and credible advocacy. This can be a long and arduous process whilst running a community business, so fellows require resilience & leadership skills to achieve these results. We delivered a workshop which combined social impact training and the development of leadership & resilience skills so fellows could be sustainable, credible policy champions and achieve change within social prescribing policy.
Detailed agenda
1.5 hour interactive zoom workshop with 15 SSE fellows from across the UK
Open access slide deck including leadership, resilience & social impact development exercises
Attendees said that this had helped them consolidate their knowledge on leadership skills and feel confident moving forward sustainably.
This helped fellows define their social impact and narrative to develop accurate explanations (or elevator pitches) for their social enterprise.
Our workshop addressed programme learning objectives and fellow’s requests to have a greater social impact and effect national policy.

The cohort enjoyed the session and it proved a useful reminder for many of them on the importance of stepping back and revisiting the ‘mission, vision and values’ aspect of their work as well as a new perspective on social impact measurement.
SSE Programme Coordinator
Bradfield Youth Centre held a free fitness class for mums, with a creche for the little ones, twice a week. The team at the centre could see that the women felt great after their exercise and couldn't wait for more, they wanted to document this impact to communicate to decision-makers.
The Bradfield Centre is a busy place where community coordinators have a big work load on small resource, requiring a really quick, easy and user-friendly monitoring & evaluation approach.
We visited the class to get a sense of the session and where impact was coming from, we spoke to the coordinators and clients to understand more about the impact. We developed a simple, interactive survey which was circulated to the mums on the WhatsApp group. Data was analysed a impact data was relayed back to everyone.
We collaborated with a local videographer Alex Evans to find the narrative behind the fitness classes and talk about the social impact to accompany the quantitative data collected via the survey.
Online interactive survey
Highlights report
Narrative video
The impact data was used as part of an application to the council to develop and expand the Bradfield Centre.
It was a pleasure working with Community Bridges. They never just came to document, they came to get to know the staff and users. The film they made was amazing and everybody at the club loved it.
Daniel, Bradfield Youth Centre
Case study No. 4 - HELP UK
Help UK support parents and carers of children with additional learning needs in a variety of ways in order to help them look after their health & wellbeing, as well as their child’s. They wanted to increase their client base so they could help more carers.
Carers are often stretched for time and do not have the headspace to seek out different engagement activities. Simularly its difficult for a full-time carer like Koko Oloko to spend the time to find engagement opportunities.
We used our existing community connections to connect Help UK to a local youth club which was hosting a fitness session for vulnerable mums. And supported Koko Oloko to deliver a weekly smoothie making workshop and engage with carers.
10 co-created smoothie workshops
Registration template
Online and print promotion
Help UK engaged 3 new clients for their support groups.
Koko Oloko spoke openly about the challenges and support available for mums who would otherwise not have found out .

This was such a great thing to be a part of; a community of mothers coming together to converse, share and support one and other over a smoothie that we were all a part of making. These are moments you certainly treasure and can recreate over and over again, whilst in the comfort of your home.’
Koko Oloko, Help UK
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Illustrations by Lena Yokoyama
Design by Viktorija Sbrodova
©2021 by Community Bridges C.I.C. , 11834523,
Highland House, 165 The Broadway, London, England, SW19 1NE