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Going Back to Work Stress-Free
Going back to work after a vacation is hard. The events of the last few days may seem alien and you may not want to return. You may feel ill-equipped to face the pressure that comes with a desk job or you may be dreading what you will find when you return. We're here to tell you that it's all going to be OK, and there are ways for you to have an easier time with things. The tips on this page will help make your transition back into work smoother and more enjoyable. Let's dive right in.
What is Post-Vacation Syndrome?
Post-Vacation Syndrome or PVS is the awkward feeling you may feel when you return to work following a nice vacation. It happens when vacation turns into a distant memory and the everyday stresses of your job return. This happens because vacations often involve stressful activities like travelling, visiting friends, spending time with family who aren't close by and indescribable experiences that only vacation can bring.
In the biohacking wellness community, activating the sympathetic nervous system (basically, telling your body to go into fight or flight mode) is believed to be counterproductive because it increases stress hormone levels and can cause high heart rates, fevers, sweating and arrhythmias. The body naturally has mechanisms that turn PVS off when you leave on vacation. However, if you have a desk job and continue to use the same routine that got you so stressed in the first place, PVS may continue after vacation.
Returning to Work Stress-Free
Luckily, you can take steps to avoid PVS and make your transition back into the office much smoother. Here's how:
Reorganize Your Life
After you return from vacation, you will probably be greeted with a lot of messages and tasks to take care of. It can be easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start. The first thing you should do is use a task tracker to organize your tasks.
Leave Vacation on Time
You should not feel rushed or pressurized to pack up early. Your whole vacation will be ruined if you feel stressed out and have to leave early. Plan ahead of time so that you have time to relax, enjoy the sights and get some work done while you are on vacation so that you can leave in a calm state of mind. If you really want to leave early please be respectful of the people still on vacation with you and try not to cause any trouble.
Catch Up With Your Colleagues
You may have been out of touch with your colleagues for days. Whilst on vacation, you may have met up with old friends or worked long hours to get a project finished. Make sure when you get back that you reconnect with your colleagues and arrange social events to ensure everyone feels included before you tackle any tasks.
Maximize Your Downtime
You should take advantage of the downtime you have at work to do things that make you feel good, like working on projects that make you happy or helping out your team in any way possible. Part of self-care and mindfulness is to participate in things that make you feel good so it will also help you to stay productive. Remember, you are not your job. Anything that helps you to perform better at work can be seen as part of your self-care routine.
Take a Break
After being back at work for a while, it may be tempting to slack off when the workload isn't that heavy or when there is nothing left to do before the end of the day. Whether it's trying out a new skincare routine, shopping for period underwear, or looking for ways to reduce CO2 emissions, it's important to take a break from your work. This will help you to allow your willpower to flow and you will be able to come back refreshed and ready to tackle a whole lot more.
Just Don't Get Too Stressed Out
Even though it's natural for stress levels to increase when you return from vacation, taking steps to minimize this is crucial. When you feel overwhelmed, look for ways that you can reduce stress. This can be as simple as moving to a cosier chair, exercising or drinking green tea.
The Takeaway
When all is said and done, it's also important to remember that we are capable of incredible things when we take control of our lives and take time to enjoy, recharge and spend time with the people we love. Vacations are a great way to reduce stress levels, build relationships with others and exercise your willpower so that you come back ready to deal with any changes or stressors that life throws at you. For more self-care tips, visit our blog today!